2021-10-29 14:41:03 -04:00

174 lines
5.5 KiB

# $Id$
# Quality test of media calls.
# - UA1 calls UA2
# - UA1 plays a file until finished to be streamed to UA2
# - UA2 records from stream
# - Apply PESQ to played file (reference) and recorded file (degraded)
# File should be:
# - naming: xxxxxx.CLOCK_RATE.wav, e.g: test1.8.wav
# - clock-rate of those files can only be 8khz or 16khz
import time
import imp
import os
import sys
import re
import subprocess
import wave
import shutil
import inc_const as const
from inc_cfg import *
# Load configuration
cfg_file = imp.load_source("cfg_file", ARGS[1])
# PESQ configs
PESQ = "tools/pesq" # PESQ executable path
PESQ_DEFAULT_THRESHOLD = 3.4 # Default minimum acceptable PESQ MOS value
# PESQ params
pesq_sample_rate_opt = "" # Sample rate option for PESQ
input_filename = "" # Input/Reference filename
output_filename = "" # Output/Degraded filename
# Test body function
def test_func(t):
global pesq_sample_rate_opt
global input_filename
global output_filename
ua1 = t.process[0]
ua2 = t.process[1]
# Get input file name
input_filename = re.compile(const.MEDIA_PLAY_FILE).search(ua1.inst_param.arg).group(1)
# Get output file name
output_filename = re.compile(const.MEDIA_REC_FILE).search(ua2.inst_param.arg).group(1)
# Get WAV input length, in seconds
fin = wave.open(input_filename, "r")
if fin == None:
raise TestError("Failed opening input WAV file")
inwavlen = fin.getnframes() * 1.0 / fin.getframerate()
inwavlen += 0.2
print "WAV input len = " + str(inwavlen) + "s"
# Get clock rate of the output
mo_clock_rate = re.compile("\.(\d+)\.wav").search(output_filename)
if (mo_clock_rate==None):
raise TestError("Cannot compare input & output, incorrect output filename format")
clock_rate = mo_clock_rate.group(1)
# Get channel count of the output
channel_count = 1
if re.search("--stereo", ua2.inst_param.arg) != None:
channel_count = 2
# Get matched input file from output file
# (PESQ evaluates only files whose same clock rate & channel count)
if channel_count == 2:
if re.search("\.\d+\.\d+\.wav", input_filename) != None:
input_filename = re.sub("\.\d+\.\d+\.wav", "." + str(channel_count) + "."+clock_rate+".wav", input_filename)
input_filename = re.sub("\.\d+\.wav", "." + str(channel_count) + "."+clock_rate+".wav", input_filename)
if (clock_rate != "8") & (clock_rate != "16"):
raise TestError("PESQ only works on clock rate 8kHz or 16kHz, clock rate used = "+clock_rate+ "kHz")
# Get conference clock rate of UA2 for PESQ sample rate option
pesq_sample_rate_opt = "+" + clock_rate + "000"
# UA1 making call
if ua1.use_telnet:
ua1.send("call new " + t.inst_params[1].uri)
# UA2 wait until call established
# Disconnect mic -> rec file, to avoid echo recorded when using sound device
# Disconnect stream -> spk, make it silent
# Connect stream -> rec file, start recording
ua2.send("cd 0 1")
ua2.send("cd 4 0")
ua2.send("cc 4 1")
# Disconnect mic -> stream, make stream purely sending from file
# Disconnect stream -> spk, make it silent
# Connect file -> stream, start sending
ua1.send("cd 0 4")
ua1.send("cd 4 0")
ua1.send("cc 1 4")
# Disconnect files from bridge
ua2.send("cd 4 1")
ua1.send("cd 1 4")
# Post body function
def post_func(t):
global pesq_sample_rate_opt
global input_filename
global output_filename
endpt = t.process[0]
# Execute PESQ
fullcmd = os.path.normpath(PESQ) + " " + pesq_sample_rate_opt + " " + input_filename + " " + output_filename
endpt.trace("Popen " + fullcmd)
pesq_proc = subprocess.Popen(fullcmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
pesq_out = pesq_proc.communicate()
# Parse ouput
mo_pesq_out = re.compile("Prediction[^=]+=\s+([\-\d\.]+)\s*").search(pesq_out[0])
if (mo_pesq_out == None):
raise TestError("Failed to fetch PESQ result")
# Get threshold
if (cfg_file.pesq_threshold != None) | (cfg_file.pesq_threshold > -0.5 ):
threshold = cfg_file.pesq_threshold
# Evaluate the PESQ MOS value
pesq_res = mo_pesq_out.group(1)
if (float(pesq_res) >= threshold):
endpt.trace("Success, PESQ result = " + pesq_res + " (target=" + str(threshold) + ").")
endpt.trace("Failed, PESQ result = " + pesq_res + " (target=" + str(threshold) + ").")
# Save the wav file
wavoutname = ARGS[1]
wavoutname = re.sub("[\\\/]", "_", wavoutname)
wavoutname = re.sub("\.py$", ".wav", wavoutname)
wavoutname = "logs/" + wavoutname
shutil.copyfile(output_filename, wavoutname)
print "Output WAV is copied to " + wavoutname
print "Couldn't copy output WAV, please check if 'logs' directory exists."
raise TestError("WAV seems to be degraded badly, PESQ = "+ pesq_res + " (target=" + str(threshold) + ").")
# Here where it all comes together
test = cfg_file.test_param
test.test_func = test_func
test.post_func = post_func